lundi 26 septembre 2011

U.S. government concerned at hacking of Japan arms firms

TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday expressed concern about recent cyber attacks on defense contractors in Japan, which build U.S.-designed missiles, warships and military aircraft, calling for the attacks to be taken seriously.

Experts speculated that the cyber assaults announced this week, the first on Japan's defense industry, may have included the Stuxnet computer virus which has been described as a guided cyber missile which targets industrial control systems.

"Cyber security must be a public-sector priority," U.S. embassy spokeswoman Karen Kelley said.

One industry source said Washington has been pressuring Japan to step up security against cyber assaults.

The attacks on Japan's top defense contractor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which builds F-15 fighter jets, Patriot missiles and nuclear reactor parts, and on other contractors, may have come from a nation state, some experts said.

Mitsubishi Heavy is also involved in the development of a ship-launched surface-to-air missile designed for the U.S. ballistic missile shield and is therefore privy to highly-sensitive weapons technology.

Similar attacks earlier this year, which included one on the U.S. defense industry, were said to have originated in China. Chinese authorities denied having anything to do with those or the latest ones reported in Japan.

Japan's defense industry, supplied by a slew of small and medium-size firms with key technologies, is seen as particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks.

"Many of these small firms could have been hacked in the past, without anyone noticing," Kobe University Professor Masakatsu Morii said.

Computers at Mitsubishi Heavy, Japan's biggest weapons maker, were subject to an online assault in August. The company,

which supplies over 20 percent of Japan's defense equipment, said that some network information, such as IP addresses, may have leaked.

An outside contractor is now checking to see if any sensitive data had been breached.

"I believe this is probably the first example of a Stuxnet attack in Japan," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, a cyber-security expert at Keio University.

Mitsubishi Heavy said that it has so far found eight viruses, none of which were Stuxnet.

The Stuxnet computer worm, which some suspect was created by the United States and Israel, targets industrial control systems sold by Siemens and used widely in infrastructure including nuclear power generators, chemical factories, water distribution systems and pharmaceutical plants.

Mitsubishi Heavy delayed reporting the breach to the defense ministry, which may have been a violation of its military supply contracts.

A second Japanese military contractor, IHI Corp, which builds engine parts for fighter planes, said its employees had been subject to a growing number of suspicious e-mails which it had informed the police about.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, a maker of airplanes, helicopters and rocket systems, has also been receiving virus-tainted e-mails, the company confirmed on Tuesday.

(Reporting by Tim Kelly, James Topham, Isabelle Reynolds and Mayumi Negishi; Editing by Michael Watson and Jonathan Thatcher)

Facebook finetunes news feeds from friends

Facebook on Tuesday began rolling out the latest in a rapid-fire series of enhancements to the leading social network as nascent rival Google+ opened its membership to the world.

Facebook's "News Feed" that streams updates from friends will give priority to important posts, images shared at the website will be displayed larger, and a "Ticker" chat column is being added for real-time conversations.

"As Mark (Zuckerberg) put it, this is launching season," Facebook product manager Keith Schacht told AFP while discussing the new features.

"This is an update we have been working on a long time, unrelated to anything else," Schacht responded when asked whether the launch of rival Google+ in June was a factor behind the recent barrage of Facebook features.

In recent weeks, Facebook has focused on ways for members to better control what information gets shared with whom.

Facebook last week began letting members follow strangers Twitter-style with the addition of "Subscribe" buttons that let people hear from people who aren't friends at the network, and share insights with strangers.

Facebook also began letting members be more selective about what kinds of updates from friends make it into their personal news feeds.

"Last week we announced (Smart) List and Subscribe, which were about more control of what members see in the News Feed," Schacht said. "Today, these changes are about letting people see the most important news."

If a Facebook user hasn't visited the social network for a few days, the news feed will prominently display significant posts from friends that may have been missed during that time away.

Someone who frequently checks their Facebook account will have recent happenings at the top of his or her news feed.

"If you didn't read the newspaper for three days, then on Day Four you pick up a newspaper how awesome would it be if the front page summarized the news from the past three days?" Schacht asked.

"Facebook will get better over time at understanding what is important to each person," he said. "If we are wrong, you can tell us."

The latest enhancement to photo viewing at Facebook increases the size of uploaded images. About 250 million photos are uploaded daily to the social network.

The new "Ticker" chat panel in a right-hand column on the screen allows people to engage in text chats focused on freshly uploaded images or other posts.

"News Feed is an historical view of what your friends have shared," Schacht said. "Ticker is about real-time exchanges with friends."

Facebook planned to begin rolling out the new features globally Tuesday and expected them to reach all of its more than 750 million users within a week.

More Facebook announcements are expected at the social network's annual developers conference taking place in San Francisco on Thursday.

The gathering will come just days after Google dropped the need for an invitation to join the Internet giant's challenge to Facebook, Google+.

"For the past 12 weeks we've been in field trial, and during that time we've listened and learned a great deal," Google senior vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra said Tuesday.

"We're nowhere near done, but with the improvements we've made so far we're ready to move from field trial to beta... Anyone can visit, join the project and connect with the people they care about."

Fresh enhancements to Google+ included letting members take part in video-chat "Hangouts" using camera-enabled smartphones or tablet computers, or broadcast video presentations to groups of watchers using "Hangouts On Air."

Google said it has also woven its Internet search expertise into the social network by adding a query box.

Google+ combined aspects of Facebook and microblogging sensation Twitter, and promised users that sharing aspects of their lives at the social network would reflect levels of confidentiality granted in real life.

Google+ stresses the ability it gives users to separate online friends and family into different "Circles," or networks, and to share information only with members of a particular circle.

Google is hoping its billion users worldwide are drawn into the California-based Internet giant's social network.

Windows 7 will not boot right? Learn how to recover

Created with Windows Vista, Startup Repair is even better in Windows 7. This tool is able to correct certain errors that prevent your operating system to be initialized, which usually happens by the absence of errors or system files. The tool does not fix hardware failures, errors such as hard disk or incompatible memory.

Startup Repair is located in the "System Recovery Options", where there are several diagnostic and recovery tools, and is only accessed before initialization, also known as boot.

Step 1. Before accessing the menu "System Recovery Options" on the computer, remove all floppy disks, CDs and DVDs and restart using the on / off switch. If you are using a Tablet PC or a touch a computer, connect a keyboard.

Step 2. If your computer has only one operating system installed, press the F8 key while the computer is restarted, this before the Windows logo appears. If your computer has more than one operating system, use the keyboard arrows to select the operating system you want to repair, holding down the F8 key.

Step 3. On the "Advanced Boot Options", select "Repair your computer" and press Enter on your keyboard. (If "Repair your computer" is not listed as an option, you do not have the recovery options pre-installed or your network administrator has turned off).

Step 4. Select your keyboard layout and click "Next" (Next). From the "System Recovery Options", click "Startup Repair" and when the computer finishes checking and correction, restart. The fix has been successful if Windows starts normally, without errors

The following steps are only useful for those who need or prefer to recover using the Windows installation CD to repair the system. This will occur as needed when the computer is damaged to the point that you can not even access the menu "Options Windows Recovery."

Step 5. Insert the Windows installation disc. Restart your computer and watch the screen to boot from the CD. When prompted, press any key.

Step 6. After clicking on any key as requested in the previous step, you should get the screen of Windows Setup. Click on "Repair Computer".

Step 7. You will be directed to screen "System Recovery Options." Just select your language and click "next". Follow from Step 3, requesting a correction startup.

Step 8. The computer displays a screen with system errors recovered. After that, simply restart.

This is a rather useful and recommended when you encounter problems when you start Windows, but if these steps do not resolve, you probably need to format the drive and do a clean install of Windows , but worth a try. Always remember to keep up the backup of your most important files.

lundi 19 septembre 2011

Facebook Posts depending on the location and population

Facebook has several options to control and own friends list, photos, biographies you have many options for privacy settings in your profile to ensure visibility in various areas of the profile control of the filter. Well now you can also choose who to show your Posts on Facebook.

In favor of the follower pages you admin, you can choose countries and places where people strength be clever to perceive a post. You can use these options for each update on Facebook. If the status area, click the lock icon and select Customize. Now You’ll have a privacy, with people you like, you can choose the face in particular. You can choose from pop, friends, friends of friends, or just a few. 

The selection of a particular person,lets you enter the names of your friends who will be able to see your post. You can also filter the e-mail from your friends.These characteristics of the target is also very useful for those areas. You can select post to users by country and language. Open the management page and click on the padlock before sending updates to the site. 

You can also set the city or province inside the countries where the post will be visible.  You can also direct users to a specific language. You can add languages that will filter the post only to the speakers of the language within your preferred location.

By customize your posts on your follower pages; you can simply object your particular products by country, constituency or languages.

SEO Tips - Tips for Visitors Blog

SEO Tips - Tips for Visitors Comfortable in Blogs - Blog Traffic is crucial for the blog. Blog traffic is important, so much the Blogger tries to get a lot of traffic. Traffic means visitors much more. You can buy traffic blogs, but you can not buy loyalty visitors to your blog. Traffic will come if you are smart enough in terms of search engine optimization or SEO is often called. 

Your blog visitors come because they feel have the benefit, comfort, friendliness and personal warmth. Traffic does not give a link to your blog, visitors to your blog with a link volunteer link to your blog. If visitors to your blog is so important, what can you do to entice him to keep it comfortable and come back again to visit your blog? 

Here are simple tips on how to captivate visitors to be comfortable and back again on your blog. 

1. Appreciate Your Blog Visitors 

If you want to captivate visitors of your blog, there is no other way except to appreciate your blog visitors. If your blog URLs of the home, then you URLs of blog visitors guest. Honor your guests. Be humble. Santunlah language. Courtesy does not mean identical with "EYD", which sometimes even too formal and rigid. Write your own style, although it is a style slang though, but get yourself to always be polite. Finally, do not ever brag to your blog visitors.

Points - Points: 
- Be humble 
- Use polite language 
- Do not ever brag

2. Give More on Your Blog Visitors 

Yes, give more. Of course not mean that should be money. Giving more can be providing blog content really useful. Something that can not be found on other blogs. Giving more can also be a good blog design with easy navigation. Examples Related Post , Breadcrumb Navigation , Numbered Page Navigation , etc.. And provide the necessary links for your blog visitors. Giving more can also be by simply changing your blog into Dofollow. How to change a Dofollow Blog . And if possible, provide incentives for free (eg in the form of e-book) to visitors of your blog. And if your blog Dofollow status already, give your blog visitors backlinks.

Points - Points: 
- Write content that is really helpful 
- Make your blog design "different" among other blogs and more professional look 
- Give your referral link that takes visitors to your blog 
- Give free e-book
- Give Backlink

3. Be a Good Friend 

When deciding to create a blog, you actually have decided to be friends even if only through the virtual world or cyberspace. Befriend through a column of comments on your blog. Wherever possible, comment on blog greet you with a polite language. I am often surprised to find blogs with a comment and that too without any reply. If indeed you want visitors to your blog again, greet each comment, then help your visitors if you have any questions, or even greet even if only by giving of thanks.

Points - Points: 
- Try as much as possible to reply to comments on your blog 
- Assist visitors to your blog if you have any questions

4. Greet visitors and Call Her name 

One adage that I like is the call of their name. And even then available for visitors to your blog. If you reply to a comment on your blog, make sure to write down the names of visitors who leave messages on your blog. Do not just with the greeting "Mas, Mbak, Om, Coy or Bro" Write the name correctly. If you appreciate the name of your blog visitors, in exchange for your blog visitors will appreciate you. 

Points - Points: 
- Write the name of your blog visitors to comment 
- Write the name correctly 

5. Visit Your Blog Owned New Friends 

Establish friendships in the online world (virtual world) is not different than in the offline world (real world). Giving, sharing and mutual respect are essential in both worlds. If anyone is visiting your blog and make comments, even though only one, try to visit and give comments back on his blog. Give only comments that are positive. Finally, try to visit them periodically according to the time you have. 

Points - Points: 
- Try to visit the blog to comment on your blog 
- Give comments that are positive 
- Visit regularly 

Once again, blogging is more than just data and numbers. Blogging is something real like in the real world. If you want to captivate visitors of your blog, there is no alternative but to treat it as human. Not just for enhancing "traffic". The more you understand and appreciate your blog visitors, the greater your appreciation to your blog visitors. 

How to Show Hidden Windows 7 Themes

One feature that is already widely known by users of Windows 7 is the Aero Theme. Microsoft offers the Aero Theme in accordance with the location where you live or called Aero Regional Themes. When you first install Windows 7, you will be asked to select the language, currency formats, and setting time of computer equipment.

Typically, most people chose Bahasa Indonesia (U.S.) as a regional default location of the computer device. This choice will also determine what the theme will be used as a default from the Windows 7. 

Actually, Aero Themes from other locations that are not selected as the default regional locations have also been installed on the computer. But most of us have never activate it. To enable Aero Theme from other regional locations, please follow the instructions and steps below:

1. Click the Start button menu. 
2. On the form or the Search box, type C: \ Windows \ Globalization \ MCT and then press Enter.

3. After that will open the Folder MCT. In Folder MCT, you will find some themes from other countries you've never use such as Australia (AU), Canada (CA), United Kingdom or Great Britain (UK), American or United States (U.S.) and South Africa. If Theme American or United States (U.S.), most of you already installed it. For in the Install Windows 7, most of you choose the language of Home (U.S.). So the theme is automatically installed.

4. Try to open each folder, you'll see a lot wallaper that can be selected and used as Desktop Background. In addition, the theme in this folder can also be directly installed into the Personalize the way, open the Themes folder is located at each regional folder, then open or click left twice an existing theme files in the folder. For example, such as Theme below.

5. Now all that is hidden regional themes can already be accessed through the Personalize menu on the desktop.

Search ranking guarantee?

Many SEO companies guarantee rankings often used as an enticement to attract leading businessmen eager to rank, which is the standard business practices, is understandable.

But the ranking can be guaranteed it?

Through the efforts of a number of SEO, is relatively unpopular industry or keyword is easier to guarantee. For popular keywords, such as cosmetic, such credit can only say that through the efforts of SEO can be relatively improved ranking, ranking ahead of possible increases.

Quoted the well-known U.S. search engine review site Search Engine Watch's executive editor Chris Sherman in March 2006 in Nanjing at the Search Engine Strategies (Search Engine Strategies Conference) words: through some effort you can enhance the site for free ranking, but the effect is not guaranteed. If you want to ensure that your search results appear to point of purchase access to paid keyword advertising it!

Google's own Web site point of view contained in the Webmaster Tools Help which also mentioned some highlights:

SEO can provide many important services, but there are some unethical SEO marketing tactics too aggressive, trying to unfair tactics to manipulate search engine results, SEO results to harm the reputation of this line. If the related violation of our guidelines, your site's ranking in Google search results will be lowered, and may even be removed from the index. Please note the following points:

Beware been actively send email to your SEO company, Internet consultants or agents.

You absolutely can not think, even this type of junk mail we receive: " Hello: We have visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories ..."

E-mail about the search engine of publicity, most like the claim that "effective night" diet pills, like, please be sure to keep a skeptical attitude.

No one can guarantee rankings in Google on the first.

Requests the Special beware of those who claim to guarantee rankings of the SEO, or claims and Google have a "special relationship" or in Google has a "priority submit right" SEO. Google never submitted to provide priority treatment. In fact, the site submitted directly to Google's only way is through our Add URL page or through the Sitemap, and you can own operations, all without any fees.

For some mysterious or unwilling to do so that the company intended to, be sure to keep guard.

If any do not understand, should ask for instructions. If the SEO on your behalf to establish fraud or misleading content, such as doorway pages (doorway page) or "flyers" domain, we may share your site removed from Google index completely. The end, you still have to be responsible for all acts employing company, so please do understand they offer "help." If the SEO can access your FTP connection to the server, they should have to show you them on your website everything changes.

You totally do not need to link to SEO.

Claims to avoid the use of so called FFA Link, link mechanism to improve website ranking heat, and that can submit your site to thousands of search engines SEO. These are usually just empty the vernacular, and will not change your primary search engine results ranking (at least not you imagine the positive effect).

Please choose carefully.

Co-decision and a SEO, it is recommended first look at the service industry. Of course, with the power of Google is one of the options. You can also find some news from the past enough to learn from the report as, for example, the following article describes a family too aggressive SEO.

Google does not comment on specific companies, but to remind you that we come across a number of SEO companies claim to be, the more significant moments of their approach is absolutely not acceptable corporate behavior. Please be careful.

However, due to increased demand for SEO, printing of many different companies claim to rank guarantee home and give out a lot of success example, costs are often tens to hundreds of thousands per month.

Of course, the real need for a lot of SEO services is cost, however, truly professional company and will not guarantee your ranking (most of the so-called guarantee is less than if the rankings do not charge their clients up to the meaning of money.) They will use a professional approach to enhance the overall site ranking and natural search visibility.

Although the focus of some keyword ranking is to assess, but the real experts should tell your SEO strategy should not only some of the keywords as SEO ranking is evidence of effective implementation.

In addition, consumers want to know SEO is a protracted war, is the need to regularly analyze and adjust the strategy is a necessary site provision on a regular basis the project budget. In large enterprises, the need for education within the department to be responsible for the site, responsible for website copywriting, website marketing personnel responsible for a clear understanding of the logic and method of operation of SEO, SEO can make long-term, effective fermentation in the corporate website .

Since the search advertising more widely used, in order to reduce advertising costs, many companies want to reduce or even through the natural order completely replaced by the cost of search advertising. In fact, inside the complete search strategy, SEO is as important as with search ads are indispensable